Update - Patch Notes
Changes & Fixes:
- Removed boss summon notification.
- Removed HP Bar from monsters.
- Fixed position of Glare of Lilith / Darkness Of Lilith.
- Fixed sniping bug.
- Change:
- Glare of Lilith / Darkness Of Lilith now grants Damage Increase +6% instead of Damage Reduce.
- Ice Slow effect (skin 14+) removed and replaced with All Attributes +40.
- Drop/Trade Unlocked for:
- Seed of Hell Garden
- Cross
- Gold Bar
- Portal blocked: Perona SE / Lake Timore SE.
- Bat Transformation blocked: Perona SE / Lake Timore SE.
New Bosses:
- Perona SE: Executor
- Ruper Island: Master Sius
- Lake Timore SE: Destroyer-001
- Respawns every 12 hours
- Added Box to bosses with possible item drops :
Treasure Box of Executor : 30 Lilith Spirit 2 - 30 Lilith Drop 2 - 20 Blue Sun Bird 2 - 20 Blue Crystal - 20 Transport Crystal - 20 Transport Crystal Drop - 30 coins - 40 coins - 50 coins - 100 goldbar - Spell 241 - 1 Rune Box Red Quadrada - 1 Rune Box Blue Quadrada - 1 Rune Box Green Quadrada - 1 13 -1 Ordinary Lilith Will - 1 Ordinary Lilith Spirit - 1 Ordinary Lilith Drop - 2 Ordinary Lilith Will - 2 Ordinary Lilith Spirit - 2 Ordinary Lilith Dropp.
Treasure Box of Master Sius : 30 Lilith Spirit 2 - 30 Lilith Drop 2 - 20 Blue Sun Bird 2 - 20 Blue Crystal - 20 Transport Crystal - 20 Transport Crystal Drop - 30 coins - 40 coins - 50 coins - 100 goldbar - Spell 241 - 1 Rune Box Red Quadrada - 1 Rune Box Blue Quadrada - 1 Rune Box Green Quadrada - 1 13 -1 Ordinary Lilith Will - 1 Ordinary Lilith Spirit - 1 Ordinary Lilith Drop - 2 Ordinary Lilith Will - 2 Ordinary Lilith Spirit - 2 Ordinary Lilith Dropp.
Treasure Box of Destroyer-001 : 30 Lilith Spirit 2 - 30 Lilith Drop 2 - 20 Blue Sun Bird 2 - 20 Blue Crystal - 20 Transport Crystal - 20 Transport Crystal Drop - 30 coins - 40 coins - 50 coins - 100 goldbar - Spell 241 - 1 Rune Box Red Quadrada - 1 Rune Box Blue Quadrada - 1 Rune Box Green Quadrada - 1 13 -1 Ordinary Lilith Will - 1 Ordinary Lilith Spirit - 1 Ordinary Lilith Drop - 2 Ordinary Lilith Will - 2 Ordinary Lilith Spirit - 2 Ordinary Lilith Dropp.