116 Player(s) Online

Maintenance completed

Maintenance completed


We would like to inform you about the changes made during the last maintenance:

1. New map added: Ruper Island:

- Now available with a boss, Sius, and his lair, Gentis Dungeon.
- Sius Boss drops items from Ioh 1 to 13 and Articles.
- Gentis drops enchantment items, scrolls, forges and Gentis Injection and Spells 201.


2.  Additions and changes:


- Added passives: Blast of evasion, Blast of Falcon, Blast of Assault, Blast of Mana, Blast of Vitality. To obtain them you must have coins obtained from the GDR to exchange them at the NPC.
- Misused spells have been removed and associated accounts have been blocked. - temporarily as punishment 5 days.
- Resistance of Tiff 2 bosses Dracula and Guinzo reduced.
- Pet crate removed from the market.
- Pepeiro added to the market.
- Castle boss drop checked.


I would like to inform you that we are working on 2 additional maps, however, we are facing some challenges. The recent issue with the spells has caused us some inconvenience, but we are actively working to address it. Stay tuned for further updates.

Thank you for your attention and we hope you enjoy these updates!

Yours sincerely,
[Darkden Legacy]