Hell Garden

Hell Garden: Adventure and Dangers Starting from Floor 6


You will find these articles by killing monsters on the floors:

1- Articles Horus e Set
2- Met
3- Osires
4- Thot 


Starting from floor 6 in Hell Garden, you’ll find a variety of high-tier items to enhance your equipment. Make the most of it, but be cautious! This place is dangerous, and hunting alone could be fatal.

Access to Floors by Teleportation and Required Level:

- HG6: level 260
- HG7: level 270
- HG8: level 280
- HG9: level 290
- HG10: level 300

On each floor, there is a pillar in the center of the map that provides valuable information about what the floor offers.


HG 6 
- Seed: 50 contracts (AA3, MOJU5, HPS 3, HP 200).
- Bracelet cue: DEX +15 / INT +15.
- Open: AA9 + HP 500 + Maci/physical damage (blue/green).
-Nut Class Articles

HG 7  
- Seed: 70 contracts (AA6, MOJU11, HPS 6, HP 300).
- Bracelet cue: STR +15 / DMG +15.
- :Open AA9 + HP 500 + Maci/Physical dmg (Black/Red).
- Geb Class Articles

HG 8  
- Seed: 90 contracts (AA9, MOJU17, HPS 9, HP 500).  
- Seed: 90 Darkness of Lilith.  
  -Cross: Shu de Armo articles.  

HG 9  
- Seed: 90 contracts.  
- Seed: 90 Glare of Lilith.  
  - Cross: Shu articles with a chance of RA claw.  

HG 10 
- Seed: 90 contracts.  
  - Grants a ring with:  
    - AA7, HPS 7, HP 200  
    - AA10, HPS 10, HP 300  
    - AA20, HPS 15, HP 500  
- Cross: Shu and Ra accessory articles.  

Important Reminder:

This hunt is not as simple as it seems due to the hidden power within Hell Garden. There’s a chance that the article may not work, and the success rates are as follows:

  • 80% for 201 Nut
  • 70% for 211 Geb
  • 60% for 221 Shu
  • 40% for 231 Ra